#226: 7 Keys to More Effective Copywriting

Today's podcast is filled with action steps you can put to work in your business right away. These steps are designed to make more money. It should be no surprise to you but all seven steps involve your copywriting skills.

But we're not going esoteric on you. This podcast is not about theory, it's about practice. You'll be able to put this stuff to work right now. Today. In this week's episode, you'll find…

  • How to know it's time to give up trying to solve the problem you face, and try something crazy. Something supernatural.
  • How to get access to our new copywriting training series, free.
  • 7 keys to more effective copywriting-you'll be writing words that sell better, faster, and easier than ever before.
  • …And there's more!

Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Spiritual Foundations

Stop Trying to Figure It Out

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding.”
(Proverbs 3:5, NKJV)

Have you ever faced a situation that seemed impossible? We all do at some point. Sometimes it just seems that a certain problem has no logical solution.

It's in moments like these that we need to give up trying to figure it out. Sometimes it's best to remember that we have access to “the mind of Christ”. I did not make that up, the Apostle Paul says so in the New Testament.

So if we have access to “the mind of Christ”, that means we have access to the vast storehouse of knowledge of God himself. And trust me, He knows the answer to your problem.

How do we access this source of wisdom and power? We have to do the most counterintuitive thing: turn off the logic machine, stop researching our problem on Google, stop overanalyzing the problem, and stop looking for answers in the natural realm.

It's time to tap into the supernatural. Stop leaning on our own understanding, and instead, choose to trust God.  None of the problems we face are a surprise to God, nor are they a challenge to Him.

Your mind is a powerful thing. But sometimes, your mind will try to distract you, so you don't even notice that God is speaking to your heart all the time. Your mind, not your heart, is the source of fear, doubt, and terror. These emotions can block the signal God is broadcasting to your heart.

That's why it says in the book of Proverbs we should trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.

And if you can simply “let it go”, stop thinking about the problem and the solutions so much, and just listen for what God has to say, you will find faith rising up. You'll start to feel hope, even in impossible situations.

So today, no matter how dark things may look to you now, choose to lean on God. Trust that He has a good future in store for you. Trust that He has poured out grace and favor on your life. Trust Him, because in the final analysis, He's the only one you can totally trust, every time.

Join me in a prayer like this:

“Daddy, I'm making the choice to lean on you. Not on my own understanding. I know that you are working all things out for my good. So I won't put my confidence in the evidence that I see, but I will trust in your Word, and I will trust in You. I receive Your peace, in Jesus's name. Amen.”

Tip of the Week

Would you like some in-depth video training on how to create copy that makes more sales? Would you like to learn how to write copy that sells like crazy, but doesn’t sound sleazy or pushy? And best of all, would you like to get access to these information-packed, professionally-produced, and incredibly helpful tutorials absolutely free?

Today we’re releasing the second in a series of four videos that will give you the very best ideas, tactics, and even formulas that we encourage you to borrow and use in your own copy to make more money. Starting right now.

Just go to WriteCopyThatSells.com, and put in your email address, to get access to the video series. Videos one and two are ready and waiting for you.


Feature Segment: 7 Keys to More Effective Copywriting

These seven keys will give you the overall mindset for how to write persuasive copy.

  1. Begin with the end in mind
  2. Tune into the world's most popular radio station
  3. Ask if it passes the “so what?” test
  4. Write liberally
  5. Edit ruthlessly
  6. Read it to real people
  7. The only test that matters

That is the “what to do” part of today's lesson. For the “how to do it” part, head on over to WriteCopyThatSells.com and get our free video training while it lasts.

How To Help

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Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or LinkedIn.

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Ray Edwards is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business including New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul) and Tony Robbins. Ray is a sought-after speaker and author, hosts a popular weekly podcast, and blogs at RayEdwards.com.