Avoid The Three Biggest Mistakes Made By Copywriters

school.jpgThe Story: Most copywriters make these three mistakes that hurt the effectiveness of their copy — resulting in fewer optins and fewer sales.

The Point: You can instantly increase your optins and sales by correcting these specific mistakes.

The Resource: www.WebCopyWritingExplained.com <– Copywriting Videos

What are the three most common mistakes made by copywriters? They're not grammar or syntax errors. They are rather errors in approach or mindset. While these may seem to be “soft” topics, they directly affect your results. The mistakes are:

  1. Not writing to the reader
  2. Writing copy that sounds like copy
  3. Not taking the time to know their product

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Ray Edwards is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business including New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul) and Tony Robbins. Ray is a sought-after speaker and author, hosts a popular weekly podcast, and blogs at RayEdwards.com.