Do The Hard Things

I can’t think of a time in my life where I have experienced significant growth, without significant effort. That’s true for pretty much all of us. We all know that our growth (as humans, spouses, entrepreneurs, etc.) comes from doing the hard things, yet we so often focus on trivial things…tasks that we can check […]

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Don’t Hire a Copywriter (5 Reasons Why)

Yes, I’m a professional copywriter, and yes, I think there are great reasons NOT to hire a professional copywriter…At least, not at first. This week, I’m giving you 5 reasons why you should NOT hire a copywriter. 5 Reasons Why Every Business Owner Should Write Their Own Sales Copy [00:42] Unless you can competently write […]

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A Single Page Can Change Your Life

How can a single page of writing change your entire life? That’s what I’m proposing to you as the truth. Consider that IF my proposition is true, and you place this single page on your website, and you position it correctly, it can indeed change your financial destiny. There is a formula for constructing these pages, […]

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Be a Money Magnet

Can you attract money? I firmly believe that you can! And this belief doesn’t stem from the “believe in it and it will come true” philosophy. This goes beyond wishful thinking and enters into one of my favorite topics: Mindset. We all know at least one person who seems to attract disasters…someone who always has […]

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How to Think About Problems

With only a few days left in 2021, I wanted to bring you a powerful message that’s short, easy to digest and could be extremely helpful with whatever problems you face in 2022. Of course, I don’t know what those problems will be (for either of us), but I do know the way in which […]

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