Are you an entrepreneur who wants to change the world, but struggles with how to do well and also do good? I know how that feels. And I can assure you…
- If you want to start your own business from scratch, or just grow the business you already have…
- If you are a believer, and a follower of Jesus… or even if you just consider yourself “spiritual, but not religious”…
- And especially if you long to reconcile your desire for prosperity with your desire to have a positive impact on the world…
…then you've arrived at the perfect place, and this site is for you.
My name is Ray Edwards, and I help “believing achievers” start, run, and grow their Internet based businesses. If that's you, this means you can have more joy, experience more passion, and achieve prosperity with purpose.
My Story
I've had the honor and privilege of working as a communications strategist and copywriter for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business. Some of my clients include New York Times best-selling authors Tony Robbins (author of Awaken the Giant Within and Money: Master the Game, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (co-authors of Chicken Soup For the Soul), Jeff Walker (author of Launch), and many more.
I've also written and published several books, including How To Write Copy That Sells.
I Run a “Lifestyle Business”, And You Can Too
I'm incredibly lucky. I have what's often called a “Lifestyle Business”, which means I thought about what kind of life I wanted before I decided what kind of business I wanted. Either you control the business, or the business controls you – and I assure you the decision is yours to make.
We make a very comfortable income. We have a business that is completely aligned with our values as followers of Christ, and we get to make a positive impact on the world around us.
I'm married to the incredibly beautiful and outrageously fun Lynn Edwards. We love dogs, and have two Pugs (Bobby Shaftoe, who is named after a character from one of my favorite novels, and Princess Buttercup, who is named after a character from one of my favorite movies).
We live in the Inland Northwest region of the United States (the home of Microsoft, Starbucks, and Sasquatch).
My Top Posts
You might enjoy reading some of my most popular posts:
- The True Secret of Success
- Quit Working So Hard & Get More Done
- The Customer is Not Always Right
- 7 Stupid Ways to Define Success
- How I Work Each Day As a Writer
- How to Write a Blog Post Every Day
- Postcard Profits
- Triple Your Productivity Instantly
- Write A Book In 7 Days
- The Simple 4-Legged Stool of Internet Marketing
- Is Marketing Evil?
You can also get all the back episodes of my Internet Business Podcast here.