Got a Pebble in Your Shoe?

Have you ever had a pebble in your shoe? From time to time I’ll be out hiking and a pebble flips up and lands in my boot. Of course, I could stay home and sit on the couch and avoid the possibility of getting a pebble in my boot, but then I’d miss out on […]

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The Wisdom of My Blind Dog

If you’ve read some of my past blog posts, you probably know that I am a dog enthusiast. Over the years, my wife Lynn and I have enjoyed several canine companions. Scooter was one of our favorite dogs. But I remember him most for a rather unusual reason. Toward the end of his life, our dog Scooter went blind. […]

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Shut Up and Listen

Most of us have never learned the most persuasive tool in the communications toolbox: listening. For most people, “listening” really means something like: smiling and nodding while mentally preparing what we’re going to say.

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Why You Need a Code of Conduct

But be prepared for what? The Scouting official website explains: “Scouting is a values-based program with its own code of conduct. For almost a century, Scouting has instilled in young men the values and knowledge that they will need to become leaders in their communities and country. ” It goes on: “A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, […]

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