How To Achieve More Goals

The problem with goals is not achieving them. What if you could change that? What if you could achieve more of the goals you set, and at the same time expand your ability to achieve tougher ones in the future? Here’s the secret: set goals at every level.

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Is Your Business Destroying Your Life?

One of the worst mistakes we can make as entrepreneurs is allowing our commitment to our business to undermine our commitment to our family. As entrepreneurs we do things that others aren’t necessarily willing to do in order to enjoy a life that others can’t – we work long hours, long past the “normal” business […]

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“Test all things; hold fast to what is good.”

1 Thessalonians [5:21]

The New TGIF

The great Os Hillman has a website, and a book, called Today God Is First (TGIF) This is a reframing of the old cliche, TGIF, which for most of the world means “thank God it’s Friday”. The point Os is trying to make, I believe, is that we need a shift in the way we […]

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Wake Up Wealthy

What does it mean to be wealthy? Does it mean to have vast amounts of material goods? Homes, cars, money? Does it mean to be recognized, lauded, praised? Does being wealthy mean you have great power over others, that you are able to bend them to your will? Wealth is none of these things. These […]

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