Don’t Look At The Wrong Thing

Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out for fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do […]

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“Taking Back Tomorrow” Webinar Series

In keeping with the theme of recent posts, I’m offering a series of free webinars on how to enjoy “good success” in your life. Click here to register for the webinars now. This series will take us out of the realm of theory and get into the practical “how to” tactics for experiencing more and […]

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Deeply Loved

Do you wish to be deeply loved? Do you believe that God deeply loves you? Think of God’s relationship to us human beings as the relationship of a father to his children. That’s what the Bible teaches us. We’re told in God’s word that we can call upon the Father using the name “Abba”. That […]

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Richly Blessed

God does want to bless you in every possible way. This includes not just the saving of your soul (although that is of paramount importance), it also means giving you good health and good success. That includes good success in business. For some, it will be shocking, even scandalous, to hear that God wants to […]

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What Is Bad Success?

Is there actually such as thing as “bad success”? Yes. There are two kinds of success: good success and bad success. Good success enables us to serve God and our fellow humans. It gives us resources to help the poor, create jobs for workers, and ease the burdens of our families, customers and clients. Bad […]

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