Say Yes, Get Paid More

I am a strong advocate for creating good boundaries in your business, and it holds especially true for freelance copywriters.. Training your customers on how to do business with you, so that you can maximize your productivity and profits, is vital. But I don’t like to be the guy who always says “no”. I like to find ways […]

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Pareto Profits

You probably know about the Pareto principle. It’s the principle discovered by the Italian mathematician (whose last name was, surprisingly enough, Pareto) that states something like the following: 80% of the results in any system arise from 20% of the inputs in that system. In the world of business, the Pareto principle is commonly invoked […]

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Time For Pig-Headedness

Add this book to your list of must-reads: The Ultimate Sales Machine, by Chet Holmes. If you haven’t read it, move it to the top of your list. If you have read it and haven’t yet implemented every single strategy inside its covers, read it now. Again. Probably my favorite passage from Chet’s masterful business […]

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