Bad News Or Good News

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” William Shakespeare I will leave the discussion aside as to whether William Shakespeare is indulging in moral relativism. I think he is not, if one reads the above quotation in context, but I do think the quotation illustrates a basic principle we, as […]

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Stupid Customer!

I recently visited a local coffee shop, and happened to overhear the customer in front of me mispronounce the name of one of the beverages on the menu. “Can I please have a tall LOTTY?” she asked. The barista did not quite sneer, but managed to convey that emotion when she said, “Oh, you mean […]

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What We Want Vs. What We Need

Entrepreneurs are visionary people. “Big picture” people. “Idea” people. And that’s good. BUT… in times like these it can also be problematic. Because… What we want is a simple solution to our complex business problems. What we need, however, is not an “easy button”. What we need are often complex, multi-faceted tactical plans guided by […]

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On Thinking Different

Every great innovation arose, not from striving for improvement, but from striving for originality. Henry Ford famously said that if he had listened to the public, what he would’ve delivered was faster horses. Instead, he sought to do something different, and brought us the mass-produced automobile. Before Steve Jobs introduced the iPad, very few people […]

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