The Cost of Automation

Perhaps automating every part of your business should not be on your “top 10 goals” list. Customers are seldom impressed with how well you are able to remove human contact from every transaction. People are always amazed at a personal touch-even as brief as a two-minute phone call, a handwritten note, or an e-mail that […]

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My Best Advice About Freelancing

My best advice about freelancing actually has nothing to do with the technical aspects of working for yourself. Instead, the most valuable tip I can offer you is: make sure your mindset is correct. You need to choose: Service over sales. Excellence over expedience. Ethics over ease. Long-term gains over short-term profits. And especially… possibility […]

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Many times, especially in business, we are faced with a difficult choice. Often, these difficult choices leave us trying to decide between one option or the other. Buy an office building, or lease office space? Hire a new employee, or outsource to the Philippines? Develop a new product, or focus on better marketing for the […]

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When In Doubt

My grandfather had a way of simplifying things. Occasionally, when I was struggling with some decision of dilemma, I would take my problem to him. He would scratch his chin and say, “Well, what do you think is the right thing to do?” I would answer quietly, already knowing where this was headed. And he […]

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Always Wear Clean Underwear

Your mother always told you, “Wear clean underwear.” The idea was that if you were in an accident, or had to be rushed to the hospital, you didn’t want to be embarrassed by your undergarments. Mom’s advice was good, and applies in business as well. Not that you should live in fear of accidents, but […]

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