The Customer Is NOT Always Right

The customer is sometimes dead wrong. Let me explain. The idea that “the customer is always right” is good and useful, within its proper context. When you’re dealing with a good customer, one who brings profit to your business, who doesn’t cost you time, money, and energy, it’s good to take an accommodating attitude. If […]

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Always Measure Results

“What gets measured, gets improved.” In quantum physics, the phenomenon is well known. In that field, the key observation is that it is impossible to observe and experiment without affecting its outcome. This has applications in marketing. The first step is to view every activity in your business, as far as possible, as a marketing […]

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Supernatural Business Life

Question to ponder: as a Christian businessperson or entrepreneur, do you believe that the things you say you believe are really real? It’s an important question that deserves your attention. Dr. Bill Bright said, “The Christian life, according to the claims and promises of God’s Holy, inspired word, is meant to be an exciting adventure, […]

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Highly Favored

Do you want to be highly favored? What is favor, anyway? It is unmerited good fortune, unearned blessing. In fact, some might consider you to be “lucky” when in fact you’re simply favored by God. What it means to be favored by God is quite simple. Things will go your way. You’ll get the new […]

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