It Is Better to Give

What if the way to build a more successful business was simply to give more? More thought to each product you produce. More care to each customer interaction. More value for each dollar you receive. Jesus said, “It is better to give than to receive.” He also promises elsewhere that if we give faithfully, and […]

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Bad News vs. Good News

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” William Shakespeare I will leave the discussion aside as to whether William Shakespeare is indulging in moral relativism. I think he is not, if one reads the above quotation in context, but I do think the quotation illustrates a basic principle we, as […]

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The Value of Precise Knowledge

Precise knowledge about specific processes can produce great wealth. For proof, click here and watch a startling, but enlightening video. Yes, he’s selling something; but what I want you to glean is his absolutely correct grasp of principles regarding levels of knowledge about money. You don’t need to buy anything to get the value from […]

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Pig-Headed Discipline

Add this book to your list of must-reads: The Ultimate Sales Machine, by Chet Holmes. If you haven’t read it, move it to the top of your list. If you have read it and haven’t yet implemented every single strategy inside its covers, read it now. Again. Probably my favorite passage from Chet’s masterful business […]

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