How To Get Instant Value From Info-Products Collecting Dust On Your Bookshelf

So you’ve got all these info-products you’ve bought but never used. Some of them you’ve never freaking OPENED. Here’s way to get back ALL the money you’ve invested… and feel immensely good about yourself. This is also a way to recoup your losses if you’ve gotten caught on the latest guru product treadmill (they’re only […]

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How I Get Paid

A lot of different kinds of people read this blog. From time to time, I am asked some version of the following question: “Why do you write the blog, and what exactly is it you do for a living? How do you make money?” For those who are curious, here are some answers… Why I […]

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What’s New?

Stop and think about how much of your life is the same as it was five years ago. I’m not talking about your specific income, which is probably gone up at least due to inflation, nor am I talking about the clothes you wear, the car you drive, or even the job you have. I’m […]

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