Planning Produces Profits

Snuggle up to the computer, Constant Reader. Your ‘Ol Uncle Ray is about to give you something that will put money in your pocket. It’s a wee bit of advice. And it’s worth listening to. For many entrepreneurs, the only thing standing between then and a 20% to 30% increase in profits is a little […]

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Work On What Works

At least 80% of most people’s work day is spent on stuff that doesn’t matter. Stuff that doesn’t product income, freedom, or real joy. In business, specifically, 80% of most people’s workday is spent on things that simple don’t “move the needle”. What if you switched the equation. What if you just woke up one […]

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What If Atlas Shrugs?

It’s interesting to hear how much election conversation centers around what the elected will do to “fix” the economy. That line of conversation is seeded by the politicians, watered by their followers, and fertilized by an uninformed (or worse, misinformed) public. The public buys into politicians the same way they buy into characters on a […]

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