What If You’re Not?

I was listening to an audio recording of a talk by Graham Cooke. Graham shared a story about a dinner conversation he had with the lady who had just received a promotion. When he asked her if she was excited about the promotion, she told him, that she was, in fact “terrified.” Graham considered this […]

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Why You Don’t Want To Be A Critic

John Updike was once asked why he seems to like every book he reviews. His response (I am paraphrasing) was, “Because I don’t waste my time reading books I don’t like.” Being a critic is easy. It requires no risk, no creativity, and no courage to take potshots at someone else’s work. Especially not in […]

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Bowl of Vomit, Anyone?

Business Wisdom From Proverbs

Of course, if I made you such an offer you would refuse. You would most likely be offended. Some were offended by the title of this post, and didn’t even bother to read it. But by offering a bowl of vomit, I was not merely trying to gross you out. The point was: how often […]

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Why Are You?

Businesses are big on mission statements and slogans. They often start with phrases like, “We exist in order to…” Often, these statements and slogans come up empty. Cliché. Insincere. Do you have a mission statement? Does your business have a slogan? Why? I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot lately. It seems to me […]

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