It seems that most of us live our lives in the fast lane. We speed along passing others, while the countryside flies by in a blur. Oh, we’ve convinced ourselves that we’re getting somewhere fast. But we forget that we’re sharing the road with others. Many others, and we all seem to be headed in the same direction. This […]
The “12 Minutes to Triumph” Morning Routine
My usual morning routine takes about 3 hours. I realize that most people don’t have the flexibility for such a lengthy morning routine. That’s why I created the “Hour of Power Cheatsheet” infographic. But let’s face it. Sometimes things go awry and even I don’t have 3 hours for a morning routine.
How to Rewire Your Brain for Success
How robotic is your behavior? How much of your day is on automatic pilot? For most people, the answer is, “more than you think.” Invisible triggers activate much of our behavior. Without realizing it, we become slaves to those triggers. This is dangerous. These automatic behaviors can have huge negative impact on our lives. As a young […]
How To Get Rid Of All The Paper In Your Life
When my Grandmother died, she left behind some clothes, a little furniture, and approximately one banker’s box full of papers, letters, birth certificates, and so forth. In my grandparent’s generation, the average person accumulated very little in the way of paper documents over their lifetime. Today it’s different. My wife and I receive, through the daily mail […]
5 Ways the “Fear of Missing Out” Causes You to Miss out
Have you heard of this thing called FOMO? It’s a popular buzzword with entrepreneurs these days, and it stands for the “Fear Of Missing Out”. The idea behind FOMO is that we say yes to everything that comes our way, because we’re afraid if we say no to something we will miss out on an […]