This week, I will read 40 books. How will I do that? Is it some kind of stunt? And what’s the point? We’ll get to all that. Here are the books I’m reading this week… By the way, I want to acknowledge Tom Beal as the inspiration of today’s post. You should check out what […]
How to Write Emails That Get Response
I hear this complaint a lot: “People don’t respond to emails anymore. It’s like they don’t read them, or don’t have enough courtesy to write back.” Usually the person doing the complaining will then expand on how Western society is crumbling around our ears. Rather than spend our time complaining about how inconsiderate people have […]
You Are A Limited Resource
The more value you have to offer, the more demand others will place on you. The more value you place on serving, the more tempted you will be to supply what others demand. This seems good, but there is one problem…
How to Have a Four Day Work Week
The first time I said it, I think I was in high school. “Why is the work week five days long, and the weekend only two? Why don’t we cut the workweek back to four days?” I know I said it often back when I worked in corporate radio. Then, many years later, I read […]
How I Stay on Top of Email in 33 Minutes a Day
Most of us receive far more email than we want, and certainly more than we need. Many people spend hours each day answering or reading email. Many more feel the weight of guilt about the hundreds (or perhaps thousands) of unanswered emails sitting in their inbox. A few years ago, my wife and I traveled […]