Don’t waste your money on a day planner. If you want to get more efficient with your time, you don’t need one. I’ll give you three good reasons why this is true (whether you believe it or not). Here they are:
10 Predictable Habits of Productive People
The most productive people share a common set of workflow habits. These habits are predictable, identifiable, and they are different from what normal people do. If you would like to be abnormally productive, integrate these 10 habits into your workflow….
The Art of Defensive Time Management
If you don’t manage your time, someone else will manage it for you. One of the key tactics for getting out of overwhelm his understanding that you are a powerful person, in charge of your own schedule. You get to decide when to say “yes”, and when to say “no”. That’s simple enough. But simple […]
The Paralyzing Paradox of Possibility
Having too many choices can be paralyzing. Especially for entrepreneurs, who tend to have dozens of ideas per day, and see possibilities everywhere, this can become a real problem.
My New Productivity Tweaks for 2013
I took the last few days to contemplate what worked for me, in terms of productivity, over the past year – and what did not work. The result: a new plan for improved productivity in 2013. While you may not wish to duplicate my plan point-for-point, I thought you might find it useful to see […]