The Art of Framing

You’re going to like this… “Framing” is how you set the stage for what comes next in a given communication. It is, in essence, what you say before you say what you want to say. If you start a conversation by saying, “You’re not going to like this…” your message will be received in a […]

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Atrocious Copy (and What to Do About It)

The web is filled with atrocious copy. In fact, I sometimes find myself muttering, “I see illiterate people…” (apologies to M. Night Shyamalan). So what’s the problem? Why is there so much bad copy? I think the answer is rather simple. It’s contained in some advice Stephen King offers in his book, On Writing. King […]

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5 Essential Skills For Freelance Writers

There probably is not a comprehensive list of “perfect skills” every freelance copywriter should have-but here are five I feel need to be in every copywriters toolkit. Surprisingly, none of them are about writing copy. Let’s assume for the moment that you already know how to do that (please… if you say your copywriter, please […]

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