Yesterday evening was the end of the comment contest. If you didn't know about it, that's because you're not subscribed to my email notification list (subscribe on the right side of the page where it says “Updates By Email”).
The winners are shown in the screen cap to the left. Remember, it was about quality and not just about numbers. There was a tough call to make… Jeff Wells worked his tail off and did a lot of posting, but Cheryl Antier wrote some brilliant posts that were long and thoughtful. It was a tough call. So I've made a decision to award BOTH of them the Grand Prize. They'll each get a copy of the Robert Collier letter book plus the two products from me.
One decision that was challenging was to decide what to do about Ed Erickson, whose posts were also of very high quality. As much as I would like to give away copies of Robert Collier to everyone, I can't really do that (not at $100 a copy!). So Ed gets the Runner Up nod, meaning he gets copies of both my products. Nice work, Ed!
The remainder of the list will get a copy of one of the products I showed in the video.
So if your name is on the list, please send an email with your name and shipping address to copycoach gmail com. That's the only way I will know where to send your package — so please do it now. If I don't hear from you before December 20th, I'll assume you don't want your prize. Fair enough?
New Contest, New Prize Worth $1,497
This contest worked out so well, I've decided to do another one.
This one lasts a little longer… from now until Friday January 4.
The prize is full access to my Web Copywriting Explained course on writing persuasive sales copy. The course has been selling like crazy for $997. In fact, you can't currently buy it on the web — it's only been for sale via speaking engagements and webinars for the last few months.
The best part is that if you win you also get access to the upcoming new version of the course, which includes live interaction with yours truly, this spring. That version of WCE will be selling for $1,497. What's in the course?
This course is, in my belief, your absolute fastest, easiest and most economical way to do all of the following…
Live the lifestyle you've always dreamed of, with no bosses and no commute. | |
Use sales letters (and other sales copy) to bring in record profits (and no, salesletters are not “dead”). | |
A step-by-step system for profit-pulling copy that make sales. | |
Use the latest Web 2.0 design elements to boost sales overnight. | |
Motivate and persuade prospects to buy faster, with less hype. | |
Exactly what works now – in 2007-2008 – and not “yesterday's tactics”. | |
How to use audio, video and interactivity in the world of Web 2.0. | |
Learn how to hire a copywriter without getting ripped off every time. |
So What's The New Contest?
Make regular comments on the blog (this one!).
Your comments don't have to be lengthy, but they need to be quality (no comments like “great post!” will be counted). Say something in your comment that contributes to the conversation. You certainly don't have to agree with everything I say.
The winner will be selected by someone other than me (takes the heat off Uncle Ray, see?).
The criteria for winning: the person with the highest number of consistently quality posts will win. Period.
Jeff Wells did a great job this last contest. His comments were short, but they showed that he had read the posts and thought about his response.
Cheryl's comments were much longer (they could have been posts in themselves!), but they were far fewer in number.
I think the winner of the next contest will be someone who finds a happy medium between those two approaches and takes the time to comment once every day or two. For a guideline, take a look at Ryan Healy's comments lately.