By joining this program, I attest that I have read the terms and conditions of this offer and furthermore I understand, affirm and agree that no results reported in any Ray Edwards videos, manual, training courses, or any other material shall be interpreted as a promise of any income. All results reported are unusual and rare.
REFUNDS: I understand that I may request a refund at any time within 30 days of my purchase date. I also understand that if I request a refund, my access to the membership area, bonuses and all prior training will be revoked. I may request my refund within the 30 day guarantee period by sending an email to [email protected]. I understand that if I request a refund after the 30 day guarantee period, I will not receive a refund. If I purchased the program with a payment plan, I will be refunded my first payment if I request a refund within the 30 day guarantee period and I will not be billed further.
I can request any other assistance I may need at [email protected].
Other terms I have read and agree to: Earnings Disclaimer, Privacy, Terms.