Here are some great posts you might have missed this week… this is your chance to catch up on anything you missed. (HINT: the podcast got a huge reaction this week!)
You Have A Clean Slate This is a guest post, written by my wife Lynn Edwards. Even after 28 years of marriage, I am still amazed at the depth of her wisdom and insight. This post by Lynn is quite profound, and I am delighted she agreed to let me share it with you.
Simplicity Sells This is an entertaining and informative video from TED, featuring New York Times columnist David Pogue. How do you deal with the increasing complexity of our daily lives? Why does simplicity appeal to us? Funny and thought-provoking.
Five Ways to Mess up Your Email Marketing Despite the mythology that says email marketing is dead, it’s still the number one way stuff gets sold on the Internet.
How to Consult With God What if you could consult with God himself about your business? What if you could ask him questions, and get divinely inspired answers? What if you could ask God to introduce you to key people, or even to send you business? In this podcast I show you exactly how you can do the same.
3 Essentials to Getting Your Email Opened Before your email can be read, it must be open. The key to getting your email opened is the subject line.
How to Spend Your Next $1,997 It’s a curious thing that while online entrepreneurs will think nothing of spending $1,997 for the latest information product, most are absolutely unwilling to invest that kind of money in advertising.