#001: How To Start An Internet Business From Scratch In 10 Steps [Podcast]

The Ray Edwards Show is a weekly podcast dedicated to Internet Business and Leadership, and Productivity. My goal is to help you succeed with your online business, and this show is for you, whether you're a seasoned veteran who's been online for years — or you haven't even made your first dollar online! We can all reach for higher levels of success in business and in life!

Delight yourself also in the LORD,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4

This is a relaunch of my more “occasional” podcast. I owe my inspiration to get it going again to Michael Hyatt and especially to Cliff Ravenscraft.

For a long time I have been thinking about re-starting this podcast but wanted to wait to launch it until I got it “perfect.” Here’s what I’ve learned:

Perfectionism is the enemy of accomplishment.

Ray Edwards

My plan for the podcast is to focus on these core topics:

  • Internet Business: starting, growing, and profiting from your own Internet Business.
  • Marketing: practical steps for selling more of your products, services, and ideas.
  • Leadership: the keys to leading yourself and others in a transformational way.
  • Productivity: tips, tools, and tactics to help you get more done in less time.
  • Writing: how to write for strategic influence.
  • Spiritual Foundations: keeping first things first.
  • Miscellany: freedom to talk about anything else I want.

My intention is to publish a new podcast each week on Tuesdays, along with an outline (or “show notes” like these.) While you will be able to listen or download episodes here on my blog, it will be much easier for you to subscribe in iTunes.

Ray Edwards Show

#001: How To Start An Internet Business From Scratch In 10 Steps [Podcast]

Ray Edwards Show         Ray Edwards Show        
#001: How To Start An Internet Business From Scratch In 10 Steps [Podcast]           #001: How To Start An Internet Business From Scratch In 10 Steps [Podcast]          
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    I share the “State of Ray Edwards International, Inc” – and why it matters to you. Current reality:

    There are some significant changes now that we are operating in the “new economy”.

    What’s different about the “new economy”? A few key points for freelancers and entrepreneurs – these must be understood and internalized:

    The bubble has burst. Easy credit is gone. Houses of cards in the banking industry have come tumbling down. People have lost their jobs, their houses, their credit cards. The spending habits and market behaviors of almost all people have irrevocably changed, altered forever by the economic shift that took place recently. And if you’re waiting for things to get “back to normal”, this is your wake-up call… it’s never going back. This is the new normal. Get used to it. Adapt.

    Competition is at an all time high. And thanks to Google it is easier than ever before to find all your competitors in a few seconds.

    Nobody needs anything. In the Western World, even though we have experienced an economic shake up, we still have everything we need already. Yes, I know some people are in need and I am not ignoring them nor minimizing their needs – but I am also acknowledging that for most people, their needs are over-supplied. Do you have a roof over your head, clean water, and at least one meal per day? Then you are better off than most of the people in the world. To see how good you have it, check out how wealthy you rank in the world by clicking here.

    What does all this mean? It’s time to review and evaluate how you do everything you do within your business or practice. Does it measure up? Is it effective? Does it produce profit? Is it the best possible use of your time?

    That’s what I’m doing here – reviewing my current systems and findings. Hopefully it’s helpful.

    I offer the following with this caveat: I’m still workin’ on it, and I don’t always follow the system perfectly. But each time I fall “off the wagon”, I get up, dust off my britches, and climb back on. So far it’s worked pretty well.

    A “day in the life of Ray” is a busy one. Here are current projects I’m working on:

    1. Private Client Copy Project. 
    This was a big project, comprising 3 full video salesletters rewrites. This project was a beast in terms of time invested, but it was fun. And it paid well.

    2. Private Consulting Client
    . This relationship translates to regular phone meetings, a small in-house launch every quarter or so, and reams of copy generated for upsells, ridealongs, retention, phone scripts, etc. This is a retainer + revenue deal, just like all my deals these days.

    3. New Partnership. More info coming soon.

    5. Writing Riches Member Site. This is a “coaching club” I run for those who cannot necessarily afford to hire me but who want to learn from my work, get me input, and receive training from me each month.

    6. Book. My new book on copywriting, Writing Riches, is a #1 Best-Seller on Amazon.com. It’s the best deal I offer on training and is available as a softcover or on the Kindle.

    7. Three books in progress. One is a business book (first draft completed),one is a book for Christ-followers on the importance and power of forgiveness (first draft about 75% complete) (this book is being folded into the next one), and one is a book about achieving true, lasting success, called Taking Back Tomorrow.

    8. Two monthly newsletters. I write one for my clients, and one for paying subscribers.

    9. Workshops. I am planning a small, exclusive workshop in my offices this Fall. It will be me and four guests… and you’ll get my hands-on help with your project. Plus, my team will even build your site for you! This won’t be cheap – the price is probably going to be around $5,000. If you’re interested, please call my assistant Kathy at 509-624-2220 and let her know. Acceptance is not guaranteed, as this is not for everyone.

    10. Copywriting Protege Program.
     My students write for clients who either (a) can’t get on my schedule soon enough or (b) can’t afford my fees. My team writes your copy, I critique the drafts for re-writes, and then I approve the final work that is delivered to you. This means we can deliver affordable copy that still receives my “touch”. (To inquire about a project, please submit your request here: https://rayedwards.com/contact )

    11. Coaching Program. This is a time vortex for me, but it is profitable and rewarding. Still “testing” the best format and pricing.

    12. Info Products. Retooling, simplifying, and systemizing.

    13. Podcast. Already covered this earlier.


    I also discuss how anyone can start their own Internet Business and sell their own ideas and expertise, if they follow these 10 steps:

    1. Research your market.
    2. Buy your domain name.
    3. Get hosting for your website.
    4. Build a site with WordPress + a Premium Theme.
    5. Create a Social Media “Wheel”
    6. Build your list.
    7. Drive traffic to your site.
    8. Build a community.
    9. Create solutions.
    10. Monetize.


    I also answered these questions from my listeners.

    “It would be great to have tips on how to choose a business that doesn't require so much follow up tasks like emailing your list regularly, etc. How to set up systems you can leave running and check in once in a while.” Daniel Axelrod

    “Want to start a health/wellness coaching business. Being able to gain clients around the world, have intergrated web-site and using media to change the health status of our country.” Marsha Warren Hays

    “How to find someone to set up your site who will do a quality job for a reasonable price. I could never set up a WordPress blog and get it to look professional, so I went with something else. It's OK, but I think WordPress would be better. I'd really like someone to teach me how to set it up myself.” Mila Clark


    Links to resources I mentioned in the show:


    If you have enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes.

    Call in your questions or comments to our new, fancy “request line” at (509) 713-2679

    Question for you: What insights do you have about Internet business building tactics? Comment Below or call in at (509) 713-2679


    Ray Edwards is a world-renowned copywriter and communications strategist, writing for some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business including New York Times bestselling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul) and Tony Robbins. Ray is a sought-after speaker and author, hosts a popular weekly podcast, and blogs at RayEdwards.com.