What does it mean to pivot?
The term “pivot” has become a buzzword referring to a significant business change — ranging from mild to dramatic. A pivot is usually intended to help a business recover from a tough period, or survive after experiencing new competition or other factors that make the original business model unsustainable.
Today “3 Pivots That Provide Prosperity”
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Spiritual Foundations
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
(1 Peter [4:10] New International Version)
That's a powerful message even if you're not a religious or spiritual person.
Look at the practicality in that statement: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others…”
If we don't serve others in business, we will not succeed. Maybe you can find some short term success by exploiting others, but to succeed long term – your business must serve others.
Tip of the Week
My tip this week is simple and you may find it bizarre, but here goes:
Delete social media apps from your phone
I know that may sound crazy to some, but I had a good reason to do this. I've been keeping an eye on my screen time lately and in doing so discovered that I was spending an alarming amount of time scrolling through Instagram, Facebook and a few other platforms.
Don't get me wrong. I'm still active on social media, I just don't want it to be the default way that I spend my time when I could be doing other things (like being with the people I'm with).
For the record, I kept Instagram installed because that service is designed specifically for mobile, but I only allow myself to scroll at specific times.
I'm only a couple of weeks into the experiment, but so far it has been great for me. My mind is quieter, I'm less “worked up” about things that aren't my business and life is much better.
3 Pivots That Provide Prosperity
The pivots I'm talking about today are “Mindset Pivots” which can help bring you prosperity in any business.
You need to pivot:
- From Dabblery to Mastery
- From Sprint to Marathon
- From Resolution to Repetition
From Dabblery to Mastery
Okay, “Dabblery” is a word I'm pretty sure I made up, but I'll bet you can guess what it means. If you've been dabbling in social media promotions, dabbling with Youtube videos, dabbling with Facebook ads…or whatever else you're “dabbling” in – you need to stop dabbling and go for Mastery of a particular thing.
When you dabble in something, you're not putting all of your effort into that thing. You're not giving it concentrated focus – and on some level, you may be doing this to give yourself an out if it doesn't work for you. “Oh, I was just dabbling with that..I didn't expect much.” Instead of “dabblery”, pursue mastery – it will serve you better.
From Sprint to Marathon
In today's business world, many people are in constant “sprint mode”. They're sprinting from one project to the next…from one product to the next…from one platform to the next.
2020's economic oddities have caused a lot of sprinting as we try to figure out how to keep the wheels turning in the midst of all of the changes. I've done my fair share of sprinting this year, but I have committed to move back into the marathon mentality…to run the race with thoughtful preparation.
From Resolution to Repetition
As entrepreneurs, we make resolutions all the time (not just in January). “That didn't work, I'll never make that mistake again“, and yet, next month we make the same mistake.
I propose you stop making broad scope, grandiose resolutions and instead, start focusing on a few core habits that you can repeat day after day. Something like making a good, short post on social media every day isn't very exciting, sexy or particularly fun, but if you do it every day, it pays big dividends.
Lose the resolutions and pick a few things to practice in repetition. Remember, putting in the reps gets you the muscles.
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