What's worse than having a job you hate?
Having a job you don't like.
In other words, having a job that is in no way fulfilling, but you tolerate it because you need the paycheck.
Is there a better option? Oh yes!
My friend and best-selling author, Dan Miller, has the solution in this week's episode.
Click here to download or listen to this podcast now.
Spiritual Foundations
Whatever work we're doing, there is a perspective that will make it better, richer and more meaningful (even if it's not what we want to be doing). The scripture that taught me this comes from the Apostle Paul in the book of Colossians:
Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord.
Colossians [3:23]-24 CSB
Tip of the Week
My tip this week is for what could be our final 6 Figure Small Group Intensive, December 17th – 19th.
It's not too late to lay the groundwork for your 6 Figure Business before the end of the year. These groups are limited to 8 entrepreneurs because of the intense focus and personalized attention required to build your highly customized action plan.
The goal: 6 Figure Business, in six months or less!
If you're ready to work with me to build your new business, or adapt your existing business to make it more profitable, click here to get started.
Our Feature Presentation
My guest this week is my friend and New York Times best selling author, Dan Miller. His book 48 Days to the Work You Love is celebrating its 20th anniversary and should be required reading for anyone who feels like they have missed their calling in life.
As Dave Ramsey put it, “Few categories of our lives define us and grow us spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and as people. Our work is one of those defining areas. Sadly, a ‘j-o-b’ is what most people settle for. But as Dan Miller so powerfully points out in 48 Days to the Work You Love, a calling lights up your life.”
The wisdom Dan shares in the interview goes beyond occupation. We discuss Dan's perspective on life during the pandemic, the challenges and opportunities it has brought and how he still plans ahead to navigates these uncharted waters (or as every third commercial I hear says, “uncertain times”).
Links From this weeks Episode
Dan's Book – 48 Days to the Work You Love: Preparing for the New Normal
6 Figure Small Group Intensive (December 17th-19th)
Questions about the show? You can text me anytime at 509-245-2670