Some people view starting or running a business as “risky” – but you can manage the risks. The ones that scare people the most are the easiest to manage.
Here are 5 Fundamentals that will help you bulletproof your profits.
The temptation will be to dismiss them because they’re so simple. That would be a big mistake.
- Find a large group of people who are crazy about something and are already spending money on it.
- Find out what that group of people wants in the something that they buy – either the “something better” that they want (improvement) or the “something NEXT” that they want (innovation).
- Make the thing they want. And make it crazy good.
- Make all your advertising trackable, and only do direct response advertising (where you ask for the sale and you give them a specific instruction/opportunity to buy).
- Notice what works and do that more; notice what doesn’t and stop doing that.
These aren't the only fundamentals. Just 5 that I came up with off the top of my head. Want to add to the list? Great! Add your own in the comments below.