Okay, let me ‘fess up… nothing in life is truly “effortless” – even breathing takes some effort. But these 7 tips are guaranteed to ramp up your productivity and they take very little effort. At least that’s been true for me.
- Have a morning routine that sets you up for success. Mine is summed up in this weird little mnemonic: WWW-B-PREP (which stands for Wake, Water, Walk, Bible, Pray, Eat, Plan). Takes me about 90 minutes to complete – and makes my day a “win” first thing. Your routine could be much simpler. Just sharing mine because it’s an example that is real.
- Get at least one block of “focus time” – where you work on your most important, profitable activity of the day – before you check email or voicemail.
- Use a digital timer to limit your time surfing the internet or “working” on your Social Media presence.
- Don’t take incoming calls. Screen them using voicemail.
- Return calls in one block of time each day.
- Return emails in one block of time each day.
- Keep your “to-do” lists in a context form: in other words, have different lists of things that can only be completed in a specific context. For example, have an “Errands” list of things you can do when you’re out and about; have a “Phone” list of all the people you need to call (with numbers) for those times when you have the energy and time to make calls; have an “Internet” list of things you can only do when you’re online. You’ll never wonder what to do in any given context once you have these lists. For more on his, get David Allens’ book, Getting Things Done.
What about you? Do you have productivity tips that help you get more done? Share them below!