The Common Path to Uncommon Success

The title of this week’s episode is the title of John Lee Dumas’s new book which I strongly suggest you add to your library. John is the host of the award-winning podcast, Entrepreneurs On Fire and has interviewed more than 3,000 successful entrepreneurs. This book is the result of JLD sorting through all of that […]

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The Power of Self-Publishing

If you’re considering writing a book, you need to check out this week’s podcast. Chandler Bolt, CEO of Self-Publishing School, is THE Authority when it comes to self-publishing and he’s my special guest this week. By the way, “self-publishing” doesn’t have the same minor league connotation it did a few years ago. There are many situations when […]

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Simplify Your Message So People Buy!

There are so many ways to make your marketing complex.Funnels, upsells, cross-sells, JVs, multivariate testing, challenges, tiny offers with a value ladder of upsells… Sometimes the best way to sell a horse is with an ad that says “Horse for sale”. But that kind of clarity only comes when you know your perfect client. Your […]

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Creating Magic in Tough Times

This week’s episode is a conversation I had with the great Lee Cockerell, former VP of Walt Disney World and a master of creating that Disney Magic. Lee is one of our favorite people to learn from. I say “our”, because my company invested in The Cockerell Academy which has benefitted our entire team. Lee […]

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