Get My Book for .99¢

My book is now officially available for purchase. For now, you can get it the Kindle or Nook version for only .99¢ Even though this book is one of my biggest accomplishments and, I believe, will enrich the lives of those who read it, I still felt weird doing a monologue podcast about my own […]

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3 Ways To Write Copy That Connects

You want to write copy that converts, but how can you do that?Remember this: Before conversion comes connection. You need to connect with your audience before you start pitching them. In this week’s episode, I’m giving you three ways to do exactly that. Spiritual Foundations  Do Not Boast About Tomorrow. “… we know that all […]

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She Found a Snake in the Toilet!

Can you imagine opening the lid to your toilet, only to discover a snake?What would you do? Here’s what my wife did…OK relax. My wife did not find a snake in the toilet. But this little exercise reveals the subject of today’s podcast…Using story-based emails and subject lines to capture your reader’s attention. There is […]

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The Culture in the Kingdom

I think of Entrepreneurs as Kingdom Builders – and I don’t think of kingdoms in some domineering, benevolent tyranny sense – but in the sense of the “King’s Domain”. Who is the King? For me the King is our Creator. The Kingdom of God that I know is one of peace and mutual benefit. That […]

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