3 Ways to Thrive in Fearful Times

People are scared and that’s alright, but it is completely unnecessary to panic.  Today on the Daily Ray I want to present you with the best three tips I could devise as great ways to overcome fearful times and raise spirits. With these three techniques, you are sure to find that people will become calmer […]

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Design Your Life First

Today we are going to talk about a side to the Coronavirus that most people haven’t focused on much, and that is the political side.  Don’t worry this podcast has nothing to do with who’s right and who’s wrong, but it has everything to do with why they are using the Coronavirus. We need to […]

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You Can Do Whatever You Want

Everybody has a hobby or subject they are most passionate about in their life. Maybe you’re still looking for that, or maybe you’ve already found it. I cannot stress enough how important it is to be passionate about your job or what you do, because that is how you achieve success in your business. Passion […]

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