If you’re a copywriter, please take note: the “obnoxious bully copywriter persona” is overdone, possibly destructive and certainly no longer unique positioning.
You probably know what I’m talking about: the kind of copywriter who positions himself as a “badass” and a “rockstar”. Usually this persona comes with a large dose of attitude. Often the persona is accompanied by disdain or even contempt for his customers — who are often portrayed by the “rockstar copywriter” as mentally challenged at best… and complete idiots at worst.
I hope, Constant Copywriter, you are not guilty of this.
Because it doesn’t help anyone.
It’s also ugly and mean-spirited.
So if you, as a copywriter, have been guilty of patterning yourself after a “badass copywriter” – stop it. Just be yourself, respect and honor your clients, and you will experience the prosperity you’re after.
To The Clients Of The Bully Copywriter
If you happen to be a client of one of these copywriters, or you’re thinking of becoming a client of one – stop. Trust your gut. There are people who can write your copy and treat you with the respect and honor you deserve.
Take the time to find one of those people – and don’t fall into a co-dependent relationship where you are the victim and the copywriter is the bully.