7 Ideas to Revive Your Podcast

Your podcasts may be great. They’ve done so well in the past. But if they remain the same, at some point your audience will lose interest.  In this media-driven age, people are always looking for something fresh and new. Unfortunately, we can find ourselves in a rut doing the same things out of sheer habit. And what was […]

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10 Things Not Required In a Wisdom Enterprise

When you sell your own experience, expertise and knowledge, that’s a wisdom enterprise. Perhaps you’d like to start your own wisdom enterprise. But you’re concerned about startup and overhead costs. Sure, it would be nice to be your own boss. But what about all the headaches that often come with business ownership. I have great news for you! Launching a wisdom enterprise is one of easiest, most […]

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7 Questions to Get You “Unstuck”

Do you ever feel like your life has somehow gotten “stuck”? Maybe you feel bogged down, trapped under the weight of your responsibilities. Most of us experience this feeling every now and then. Feeling stuck is not necessarily bad, but it is a signal you need to take action. Within the last year, I hit […]

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5 Reasons Why You Must Not Gossip

One of the most venomous, hurtful, and dangerous activities you can engage in is also one of the most common. It’s called… gossip. Let’s say you share a juicy morsel about someone. Would you be ashamed to say it in their presence? If so, you’ve stooped to gossip. Gossip is verbal poison. Gossip seeks to defame and discredit others. […]

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3 Reasons Why You Need a Life Plan

Do you ever get the feeling your life has gone “off the rails”? Do you ever  wonder, “How did I get here? I always thought my life would be something different. This is not what I had in mind.” If so, you’re not alone. Many people have these feelings of vague uneasiness about their progress in […]

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