Car Wash In A Can

Flagstaff, Arizona. I’m pumping 100 gallons of gasoline into my motorhome. Some guy with the name “STEVE” on his shirt walked confidently around the front of my motorhome, an aerosol spray can in his hand. Steve launches into a very vigorous sales pitch for his “car-wash-in-a-can” product. Having been in sales most of my life, […]

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The Internet Is Not American

I just stumbled upon these numbers at the Desiring God website. “The population of the world just crossed the seven-billion mark. There are currently an estimated 2.26 billion Internet users worldwide — one billion of which are from Asia, and only 273 million of which are from North America. Here’s the current breakdown for Internet […]

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Ben Settle, Email Marketing Contrarian [Interview]

I just completed a really fun and informative interview with one of the top email marketers working today. Ben really knows what he’s talking about when it comes to selling by email. What’s remarkable about him is he is one of the very few “Internet Marketing teachers” who actually practices what he teaches. Ben’s blog is here, […]

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3 Simple Ways to Stand Out

When you are being compared to your competition, do your customers see any compelling difference? In today’s environment, they must! If they don’t, your business is already in trouble. Here are three simple but compelling qualities that will make your business stand out from the competition: 1. A great first impression. It’s true, you never […]

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