How To Profit More

As an entrepreneur, the primary aim of being in business is to create revenue. How do we do that? Offer a product or service to the market that solves a problem or serves a need, and do so in such a way that your company makes a profit. This is common sense. Where Christian entrepreneurs […]

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Can Business Be Spiritual?

I’ve been told – sometimes rudely, sometimes with kind intent – that “spiritual” matters and business don’t mix. Hogwash. You ALWAYS bring your spiritual beliefs with you into whatever you do. Here’s a question worth considering: did Jesus bring his “spirituality” to work with him? I suspect the answer is yes, don’t you? Jesus only […]

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Are You Ripping People Off?

First: what does it mean to rip someone off? One way to define it is simply failing to give full value; representing that you’re giving your best, when in fact you’re not. By this measure… If you’re not building your business as big as you can, you’re ripping people off (your customers, vendors, suppliers, employees […]

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What We Want vs. What We Need

Entrepreneurs are visionary people. “Big picture” people. “Idea” people. And that’s good. BUT… in times like these it can also be problematic. Because… What we want is a simple solution to our complex business problems. What we need, however, is not an “easy button”. What we need are often complex, multi-faceted tactical plans guided by […]

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