Dear Postmaster – Please Stop This

The United States Post Office is not having its greatest year. The venerable organization is struggling in the face of alternative delivery mechanisms like email, instant messenger, and a general decline in letter-writing. They need some innovation to bring in more sales. They’re trying harder. I get that. And I applaud it. But… Lately I’ve […]

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How to Annoy Your Customers

Sometimes our great marketing ideas backfire. Warner Brothers Video, for instance, had what they must have thought was a great idea. On the Netflix DVD of Sherlock Holmes, you can’t skip to the menu without watching about 20 minutes of commercials. Now, that might have seemed like a great idea to the gang in the […]

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Get Rich Quick

The phrase “get rich quick” seems to be used as if it is synonymous with “scam” or “rip off”. Yet it isn’t necessarily so. If we mean “scam” or “rip off”, we should say those things. But there is nothing inherently wrong with getting rich quick, is there? I mean, which would you prefer: get […]

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