Here’s a surprising business stat I heard from the brilliant Dean Jackson: 80% of customers make their first purchase from you 90 days after their first contact with your company. That’s too bad, because over 90% of marketers have stopped marketing to those customers by that time. Read that again, carefully. You’re probably wasting 80% of […]
Internet Business
5 Failings That Kill Your Business
Most failed businesses don’t die – they commit suicide. I am watching an aquaintace of mine (let’s call him Stewart) commit business suicide right now. And it’s slow, agonizing business suicide, inflicting the maximum amount of pain and agony in the process. Of course, Stewart doesn’t see it that way.
Why You Must Attain Rising Star Status (And How To Do It)
Mike Kim is a specialist in personal branding, a marketing expert, and an extraordinarily talented copywriter. He’s also a member of my private Regency Mastermind – a remarkable, small group of people doing Big Things. ~ Ray Edwards You’ve bought the online courses. You’ve attended conferences. You’ve read the right books, tuned into the top […]
All Copywriters Are Prophets
All marketers are prophets. Most don’t seem to know it. If they did, they would wield their power more carefully, more precisely, and more (forgive me the pun) profitably. Let’s start with this: there are two kinds of prophecy…
The Truth About Getting More Traffic
What is the #1 thing you believe would benefit your blog or online business the most? The one thing that, if you could get it, would change your business (and your life)? Most people answer, “More traffic.” That’s the wrong answer. Worse than wrong: that’s a dangerous answer. One that can gut your business. Why? […]