Confessions Of A Hope Fiend

I admit it. I sell hope. You might call me a dealer. I’m okay with that. Call it optimism if you will. I like to think of it as encouraging other people to live out their best potential. There are those who are critical of this mindset; those who are quick to point out everything […]

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Just Sayin’

I have decided I am not a fan of, “just sayin”. I’m sure you’ve heard it. It is usually appended at the end of a statement of opinion. “That jacket does not show off your best features. Just sayin’.” “That color looks like something you’d find in the babies diaper. Just sayin’.” “It seems like […]

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Mind The Gap

Things don’t always seem the same to your customers as they seem to you. You might think, for instance, you just did something to serve the customer… and they might have an entirely different perception. Case in point… I recently enrolled a large number of students in an online training webinar series. So far, so […]

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The Economy: So What?

Don’t say it to me. I might punch you. “The economy,” used as an excuse for some business or personal failing. That’s what I’m talking about. It seems like wherever I go these days, someone is determined to explain their business problems with those two words. I’ll get to the airplane photo in a moment, […]

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Watch Your Mouth

Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” What He was saying was that whatever is inside of us seems to find its way to our lips. Usually we are unaware of this. Someone once said, “When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem tends to look like […]

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