Resist Your Enemy

You have an enemy. Call it Chaos. Call it the Un-maker. Call it Satan. Your enemy is opposed to every act of creation on your part. Every act of kindness, generosity, beauty, and grace. Your enemy wants you to think small, play it safe, keep your head down. Your enemy tries to tell you that […]

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Input Becomes Output

Whatever the system (relationships, society, the economy), one thing is true… Input determines output. In other words, “you get what you pay for”. This is not news. But it is worth thinking about as we enter the new year. If you want to get something different out of 2011 than you got from 2010 (such […]

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Daring And Crazy Ideas

Every now and then, daring and crazy ideas occur to me. I think these ideas might hold the key to changing how you see the world, to realizing the things we think are most important (based on how much of our time we spend doing them) can really be lived without. Here are some of […]

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