Desperate For What You Already Have

Pastor Bill Johnson recently said, “Being desperate for the things you already have access to is choosing to live in unbelief.” There is a lot of talk in America these days about the “bad economy”. While I don’t take anyone’s economic discomfort lightly, it seems worth noticing that even “poor” people in America are still […]

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Human beings have a remarkable ability that is likely unique; the ability to consider what our response will/should/might be to a given stimuli. Some will argue that apes or dolphins or dogs have that ability too; I doubt it, but that misses the point. How often do you consciously choose response, instead of just reacting […]

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Instant Confidence Boosters

If you are in search of a quick boost your confidence level (and a lot of people are these days), here are three quick ways to get that lift: 1. Exercise. I know, for most this is not the most exciting of prospects. But it’s a proven scientific fact: if you get your heart rate […]

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Shaping Your Destiny in 2011

My 2010 has been a wonderfully blessed year. I thank God for that. I’m also thankful for you, Constant Reader, for taking time to peruse what I write here. As a way of expressing that gratitude, I am hosting a free webinar this week to share my biggest most fundamental earthly distinctions about how to […]

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Real Wealth

More and more, I’m convinced the real wealth of our age (beyond that required for life’s basic necessities) is the wealth of time. This past summer, my family and I spent over three months on the road traveling in our motorhome. We logged over 7,500 miles, and visited the four corners of the United States […]

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