The Law of the Harvest

If you’re in business, you could learn a lot from farmers. Farmers understand the “Law of the Harvest”. This Law is simple: to reap a harvest, you must sow the seed and tend the crop. In other words, first you do the work and then  you get the result. And you understand the nature of […]

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What Does It Cost Not To Buy?

Here’s a big secret that makes it easy to sell more of whatever you sell. Communicate what it will cost your prospects if they don’t buy from you? What will it cost them in time, money, and effort if they don’t solve their problem using your solution? Just communicate clearly the cost of not buying […]

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You Get What You Pay For

Imagine, just for a moment, that I had just parked two brand-new cars in your driveway. I walk up to you holding out two sets of keys, one to the new Mercedes-Benz automobile on the left; the other, a brand spanking new, Honda accord on the right. Which car is the superior car? If I […]

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The Fortune Is In The Followup

Lucky for you, most businesses are pathetically and shamefully inadequate in the area of follow-up with prospects and customers. This is fortunate for you because it means that even becoming adequate at follow-up places you leagues ahead of your so-called competition. If you actually become good follow-up, you can easily own the marketplace. There is […]

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Always Give a Reason Why

One of the most powerfully persuasive communication techniques is best summed up in a single word: “because.” In Dr. Robert Cialdini’s book, Influence, he cites a research study showing that simply adding the word “because” to a request multiplies the likelihood of compliance. Interestingly, the study seems to indicate that the legitimacy of the reasons […]

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