Always Have a Ticking Clock

There is something about the ticking clock that makes people move. It doesn’t matter if we know about the deadline far in advance-activity always increases as the last few minutes tick off the clock. “Tax day” in the USA doesn’t sneak up on any of us-we all know it happens April 15th (or in the […]

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Always Make an Offer

Here’s how to make all of your marketing and advertising more profitable instantly. You won’t need a calculator, you won’t need a spreadsheet, and you certainly won’t need a board meeting. Now let me warn you. You will be tempted to disregard the advice I’m about to give you as overly simplistic at best. At […]

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Relentless Rules That Make Cash Registers Ring

Don’t do any marketing or advertising that doesn’t make money for your business; that doesn’t make the cash register ring. Here’s the sad news: “brand building” is a door that is pretty much closed to the small to medium-size company. In today’s over-communicated, oversaturated marketplace, the sheer mass required to achieve brand awareness is quite […]

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Do Marketing That Works

Do marketing that works and avoid unproductive, unaccountable advertising. It’s unconscionable, in this day and age, to spend money on advertising and marketing that doesn’t work. It was much easier to excuse in the old days. In the old days, the media was a monolithic, inscrutable, impenetrable mysterium. As a small business owner, you were […]

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Persuasion or Manipulation?

Interesting question for anyone who finds themselves needing to persuade other people (that’s pretty much all of us)… A private group I am part of has been hashing over something I posted late last year – a little piece called “Is Marketing Evil?” In this discussion, the inevitable debate erupted over what the difference is […]

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