Simplify Your Message So People Buy!

There are so many ways to make your marketing complex.Funnels, upsells, cross-sells, JVs, multivariate testing, challenges, tiny offers with a value ladder of upsells… Sometimes the best way to sell a horse is with an ad that says “Horse for sale”. But that kind of clarity only comes when you know your perfect client. Your […]

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Creating Magic in Tough Times

This week’s episode is a conversation I had with the great Lee Cockerell, former VP of Walt Disney World and a master of creating that Disney Magic. Lee is one of our favorite people to learn from. I say “our”, because my company invested in The Cockerell Academy which has benefitted our entire team. Lee […]

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Get My Book for .99¢

My book is now officially available for purchase. For now, you can get it the Kindle or Nook version for only .99¢ Even though this book is one of my biggest accomplishments and, I believe, will enrich the lives of those who read it, I still felt weird doing a monologue podcast about my own […]

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3 Ways To Write Copy That Connects

You want to write copy that converts, but how can you do that?Remember this: Before conversion comes connection. You need to connect with your audience before you start pitching them. In this week’s episode, I’m giving you three ways to do exactly that. Spiritual Foundations  Do Not Boast About Tomorrow. “… we know that all […]

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