Clean up Your Messes

Every “mess” in your life creates additional stress. I define a “mess” as any incomplete task, obligation, or other unresolved commitment. Think of each “mess” as a program running on your computer. As you know, if you run too many programs at once on your computer (even tiny ones), eventually the computer slows down. It […]

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There’s this person who is messing with your life and you don’t even know it. This person keeps saying bad stuff about you. Talking about how you don’t really know what you’re doing. How you’re a total failure. Even calling you an “imposter” and “a big phony.” If you don’t shut this person up, he […]

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This is a video of my appearance on the stage a couple of weeks ago at James Malinchak‘s Big Money Speaker event in Los Angeles. There are a few little “golden nuggets” in here that you may find useful in your own marketing.

Success Loves Speed

There is a direct correlation to how fast you implement ideas and how successful those ideas are. The faster you implement a new idea, the more likely it will be a success. You have probably noticed the phenomena. You have an idea, you get excited about it, and you take a few days to think […]

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