The Gospels – the first four books in the Christian New Testament – are a unique form of literature, and of Scripture. Merriam-Webster defines the word “gospel” as follows: a: the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation. b: one of the first four New Testament books telling of the life, death, and resurrection […]
Who Told You?
“You can’t have a successful business and a balanced life. You have to choose.” “You’re not pretty enough.” “Life is not Disneyland. You can’t have fun all the time.” “You’re not smart enough.” “Work is not supposed to be fun.” “You’re too sick.” “You’re just a sinner in the hands of an angry God.” “The […]
Robin Williams, Michael J. Fox, Parkinson’s Disease, and Me
Recently, Robin Williams apparently chose to take his own life. The news hit me so hard that I couldn’t bring myself to write or comment about it for a while. Even had the subject not been so tender for me, I didn’t feel I had anything relevant to say. Now, I think I might.
Why The System Is Failing You
The title of this post is intentionally deceptive. It contains a presupposition, that being that the system is in fact failing you. The system we are talking about could be the economy, your industry, your job, marriage, church, or fantasy sports league. All these entities are systems. But in this case I am addressing the […]
The Anvil Moment
When I was growing up, I loved to watch those Roadrunner vs. Coyote cartoons. They were my favorite Saturday morning cartoons. The Coyote, ever the trickster, was always out to “get” the Roadrunner. Coyote came up with all these elaborate schemes to kill “poor little Roadrunner.”