Break Through Writer’s Block

I have to be honest. I don’t believe in “writer’s block”. You shouldn’t either. I think it’s a myth. Worse, I think it’s an excuse for just not doing your job. I’m not saying that it isn’t sometimes difficult to sit down and start writing. It often is difficult, for one reason or another. However, […]

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Simple Trick Strengthens Copy

Want to make your copy stronger with one simple “trick”? Eliminate all the adverbs. What’s an adverb? It’s a word – often ending in the letters “ly” – that modifies a verb (or even adjectives or adverbial phrases). Examples of adverbs: quickly, instantly, amazingly, powerfully. If you find the above passage puzzling, don’t worry about […]

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How To Overcome Skepticism

You probably don’t need me to tell you this, but prospects are more skeptical online than ever before. The Holy Grail of online marketing is getting the prospect’s email address (so you can start building a permission-based marketing relationship with them). In the not-too-distant past, you could generate leads online simply by offering a free […]

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Free One-Page Copywriting Guide

Does giving stuff away for free — in the clear, with no email required — work as a way to get new readers, more traffic, and subscribers? Let’s find out. Today I’m giving away a “Mind Map” (a visual outline) that gives you an overview of the keys to writing effective copy. Whether you’re writing […]

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