How To Get Famous And Make More Money

Write an ebook. I know a lot of people will tell you “ebooks are dead”. To paraphrase Rick Blaine from the film Casablanca, they are misinformed. Jeff Bezos (founder of told USA Today recently that he sees a future where ebook sales will “surpass paperback sales sometime in the next 9 to 12 months.” […]

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What You Really Get Paid For

This article is only for those who already have a website that’s making money online. I’m about to show you how you can double or triple your conversions without lifting a finger. Seriously. So, if you have a money-making site online right now, keep reading. The rest of you may be excused (sorry, just figured […]

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Ray Edwards Week In Review

Here is your week in review, with super-convenient links from the blog… Triple Your Productivity Instantly Tonight, We Try To Take Over The World 7 Reasons Why You Must Start a Business Now 5 Fundamentals Of Bulletproof Business Profits Strength: The Secret Power of Achievement And here’s the latest podcast – remember, if you want […]

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How To Write A Book In 7 Days

One of the very best ways to establish your authority in a given field is to write a book about it. After all, when we want to acknowledge someone as a bonafide expert, one of the figures of speech we use is: “they wrote the book” on that subject. Meaning: they know all there is […]

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Social Media Telesummit And a Free Ebook

I’ve just started contributing a couple of articles per month to Charlie Cook’s Small Business Marketing Blog. And I’ve been reviewing quite a bit of Charlie’s material. He’s good. Worth checking out: his free “New Profit Rules” ebook. If your business is slow, and you’re thinking maybe it’s time to start doing some things differently […]

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