5 Reasons Why I Blog

Ryan Healy tagged me with this meme: “5 Reasons Why I Blog”. I read Ryan’s blog on a regular basis, and I appreciate him including me in the fun. It’s good for business. It wasn’t always this way. When I started blogging it was more about self-expression. It didn’t take long for me to realize […]

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Breaking Through Writer's Block

I have to be honest. I don’t believe in “writer’s block”. You shouldn’t either. I think it’s a myth. Worse, I think it’s an excuse for just not doing your job. I’m not saying that it isn’t sometimes difficult to sit down and start writing. It often is difficult, for one reason or another. However, […]

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Do Copywriting Templates Work?

There are a number of products available that offer copwyriting “templates” (which most take to mean “fill in the blanks”). Do these templates work? And are they a cost-effective alternative to hiring a copywriter (or becoming a better one)? Don’t you already know the answer? Templates are not a substitute for good copywriting. However… They […]

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