Freebie Friday: The Writer’s Edition

In which I point you to five fabulous sources of free treasures any writer would love… Five Best Distraction-Free Writing Tools 50 Free Resources to Improve Your Writing Open Source Novel Writing Software 10 Free Writing Software Downloads Free MindMapping Software And here’s a bonus link… Newsletter for copywriters who want more clients… juicier assignments… […]

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How to Be a Professional Writer

The secret to being a writer is really no secret at all. It is simply this: Write. Writers write. That is it. I cannot guarantee that writing will make you into a great writer, but I can guarantee that you will not be a great writer if you don’t write. Writing is simply another form […]

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Bought or Sold?

Seth Godin points out on his blog that there are products that are “bought”, and there’re products that are “sold”. Ice cream is bought. Life insurance is sold. Seth’s point was: knowing which one you offer. My point is: decide to offer products that are bought, thereby bypassing the need for selling altogether. This doesn’t […]

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