
I teach thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners how to write the words that sell their products, services, and ideas.

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Email Subject Line Starter Kit

15 Types of Subject Lines that Almost Always Get Opened and Read

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About Ray

Ray Edwards is a Communications Strategist, Copywriter, and the author of “How to Write Copy That Sells”. He’s also the creator of The Copywriting Academy, the Certified Direct Response Copywriter program, and The Ray Edwards Copywriting Agency.

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Ray’s Youtube Channel is the #1 source for Copywriting.

About Ray's Youtube Channel

How Copywriters Make Money – Multiple Streams of Income

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“Is It Right to be Marketing Now?” – Dealing With the “New Normal”

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The Ray Edwards Show, Ray’s popular podcast, is consistently one of the top-ranked shows in Apple Podcasts, and has been downloaded over 1.6 million times.


How to Grow Your Business in the New Economy With Online Video

By Ray Edwards | June 22, 2020 As we move forward after the great reset… the #1 opportunity for every business to start… Ray-Edwards_Podcast_Episode_470

The Great Reset

By Ray Edwards | June 15, 2020 If you’re like me, you might be a little weary of hearing things about “the new… Ray-Edwards_Podcast_Episode_469

Ray’s Savage Schedule

By Ray Edwards | June 8, 2020 Captain's log 2020.06.04. Due to the outbreak of a novel Coronavirus, the entire planet earth has… View Ray’s Podcast

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