I just finished reading a book called The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss.
It's about how to leave your 9-5 grind (whether that means you have a job working for someone else… or a "job" working for yourself!).
And Ferriss claims he works just 4 hours per week.
Did I mention he makes over $80,000 per month?
Of course, that was before his book was published. If he hits the best-seller lists, which seems inevitable, I'm sure that number will go up. Way up.
I would think that whole business about "$80,000 per month" was just a load of bull if I didn't know a handful of people who work 10-15 hours per week and make over $100,00 per month.
So I know it's possible… And it blows my mind.
As a result of all this, I've set some new goals for my own work life. I'd suggest you get the book and do the same. No affiliate links or anything like that – just a recommendation you go get the book.
I will have more to say about this very soon. And I have a couple of new projects lined up that will help you along your way to that "4-Hour Workweek".
More about those in the next couple of days.
For now… off to the bookstore with you! Grab a copy of "4-Hour Workweek".
You'll thank me.